Ngonversi File

Simpen menyang format sing dikarepake: PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, TEX, HTML lan liya-liyane

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Ngowahi DOCX dadi ODT gratis

Gawe ODT siji saka DOCX online. Ngonversi DOCX dadi ODT kanthi gampang tanpa kelangan kualitas apa-apa.

Didukung karo lan
Kanthi ngunggah file utawa nggunakake layanan kita sampeyan setuju karo kita Katentuan Pangginaan supados langkung Service and Kebijakan Privasi.

Kasalahan sampeyan wis kasil dikirim.

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Ngonversi file DOCX menyang format ODT online

Konverter DOCX kita ngidini sampeyan ngowahi sawetara file DOCX menyang format ODT online kanthi gratis. Ngonversi DOCX utawa format file liyane sing didhukung. Ora ana instalasi piranti lunak pihak katelu sing dibutuhake. Web- aplikasi adhedhasar cepet, mantep, gampang digunakake lan pancen gratis.

Ngonversi file multi-format

Konversi dokumen multi-format kanthi gampang kalebu DOC, PDF, DOCX, PNG, JPG, HTML, TXT lan liya-liyane.

Simpen menyang format sing dikarepake

Simpen dokumen sampeyan menyang PDF, JPEG, HTML lan akeh format liyane sing didhukung.

Operasi konversi cepet

Operasi konversi cepet kilat kanggo dokumen sing dipilih.

Ngonversi pirang-pirang file

Ngonversi pirang-pirang dokumen mung kanthi seret lan selehake sing gampang, sampeyan bisa ngowahi file sajrone sawetara detik.

Ngonversi file gambar

Kemampuan kanggo ngowahi macem-macem format file gambar populer kanthi gampang.

Ngatur ulang file

Atur lan atur ulang berkas sing dibutuhake.

How it Works

Carane ngonversi DOCX dadi ODT

  • Unggah DOCX berkas kanggo ngowahi kanthi online kanthi gratis.
  • Nemtokake param�ter banjur pencet tombol "KONVERSI" tombol kanggo ngowahi DOCX.
  • Undhuh ODT sing wis diowahi kanggo ndeleng langsung utawa ngirim link menyang email.

Learn More


Carane ngowahi PDF lan file liyane?

Gunakake konversi online. Cepet, gampang digunakake lan gratis kabeh. Iku dirancang kanggo ngonversi dokumen lan gambar kanthi cepet kanthi online.

Kita ndhukung macem-macem format file dokumen, web, e-book lan gambar, kalebu PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF, ODT, HTML, Markdown, PNG, JPG, TIFF, BMP, MOBI, CHM, WPS , TXT lan liya-liyane.

Sampeyan bisa ngowahi nganti 10 file bebarengan

Saben ukuran berkas ngirim ora ngluwihi 10 MB.

Ing pungkasan proses konversi, sampeyan bakal entuk link download. Sampeyan bisa langsung ngundhuh asil utawa ngirim link menyang email.

Kabeh file pangguna disimpen ing server Aspose sajrone 24 jam. Sawise wektu kasebut, file kasebut bakal dibusak kanthi otomatis.

Aspose menehi wigati lan perhatian sing paling dhuwur kanggo masalah keamanan. Mangga yakin yen file sampeyan disimpen ing server panyimpenan sing aman lan dilindhungi saka akses sing ora sah.

Ngonversi pirang-pirang file bisa uga butuh wektu, amarga mbutuhake enkoding lan kompres maneh data.

Sinau babagan macem-macem format file

Anggo sinau luwih akeh babagan format file dokumen lan gambar sing kondhang.

File Information

Microsoft Word Open XML Document

Docx is well-known format for Microsoft Word documents. Introduced from 2007 with the release of Microsoft Office 2007, the structure of this new Document format was changed from plain binary to a combination of XML and binary files. Docx files can be opened with Word 2007 and lateral versions but not with the earlier versions of MS Word.

Waca liyane

File Information

Open Document Text

ODT files are type of documents created with word processing applications that are based on OpenDocument Text File format. These are created with word processor applications such as free OpenOffice Writer and can hold content such as text, images, objects and styles. The ODT file is to Writer word processor what the DOCX is to Microsoft Word. Several applications including Google Docs and Google's web-based word processor included with Google Drive can open the ODT files for editing.

Waca liyane


Format berkas sing paling populer kanggo diowahi

Kita ndhukung macem-macem format dokumen, web, e-book lan file gambar, kalebu PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF, ODT, HTML, Markdown, PNG, JPG, TIFF, BMP, MOBI, CHM, WPS , TXT lan liya-liyane.

Aplikasi lumaku ing piranti kanthi rasio aspek layar luwih gedhe (jembar minimal 320 piksel).